Terms of Use

Updated: 22.01.2023

In the latest revision, we have updated the list of unacceptable and forbidden content, added information about copyright infringement, and made adjustments to user content.

We recommend that you check for updates to this agreement, as it is the latest version that will be used between our parties and be legally enforceable.

This is an agreement between you and Twick OU. The address of the company is Maealuse 3a, 12618, Tallinn, Estonia

By creating an account with Twick and accessing any services through our twick.com website ("website") or Twick mobile app ("app"), and any other platforms and services Twick may provide you, you accept it and agree to abide by it as described below.

Our company reserves the right to make changes to this agreement, privacy policy, cookie rules, as well as the operation of the service as a whole.

By continuing to use our service, you automatically agree with the current rules of using the latest version of this agreement.

These terms apply to all users of our service, regardless of account status or any other conditions.


To start using our service, you need to create an account, for this, you need to meet the following requirements of our company:

  1. You must be of legal age, depending on your country or region, 14 to 21.
  2. You are authorized to conclude a contract with our company.
  3. You are not a person barred from using Twick®, you are not on a sanctions list under United States law or another jurisdiction, and you are not on the U.S. Treasury Department's list of Specially Designated Nationals.
  4. You have not been convicted of or charged with a felony or misdemeanor count of violence and you are not required to be on any federal or state sex offender registry.

By using our service through our app, website, or any other platform, you acknowledge that we may collect and use your data and information in accordance with our privacy policy. You are solely responsible for ensuring the privacy of your account.

If you suspect someone has accessed it, change your password immediately and contact our support service.


By using our service, you agree that you are prohibited from the following:

  1. Use the service for any purposes that are prohibited by this Agreement
  2. Post any content that incites hatred or contains threats
  3. Harass, stalk, insult, or disparage other users of the service or outside of it
  4. Post content of pornographic or sexual character
  5. Post content that incites violence or scenes of violence
  6. Post content that promotes hatred, racism, intolerance
  7. Send spam, ask for money from other users of the service
  8. Send links to viruses, trojans, and unlicensed software
  9. Post content that violates copyrights, trademarks, and privacy
  10. Use the service with the intention to harm or with malice
  11. Use another User's account and transfer your account to another User
  12. Create new accounts if we have blocked your current account due to violations of the current agreement

Twick has a zero-tolerance policy for this type of content.

We reserve the right to identify and block any accounts for violations of this agreement.

You can send a message to our support service at https://twick.com/contacts or by sending a message from your personal account to the support service account, or you can send a complaint about specific content by selecting "send complaint" from the menu.


Twick members may share their content on our service, such content belongs to the user who posted it, it is stored on our servers and appears on our website, app, or any other platform that provides access to our service.

You have no rights concerning other users' content, you may use this information only insofar as your use of this information is consistent with the purpose of our service, which is to allow people to meet each other and participate in mutual parties and activities.

If you encounter content posted as part of our service that violates this agreement, please notify us at https://twick.com/contacts.


The content located on our website, in our app, or any other platform, any text, graphics, user interfaces, logos, sounds, trademarks, images, and other intellectual property owned by us, protected by copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property laws.

All rights, title, and interest in and to the Company Content remain with us at all times.

We grant you a non-exclusive, limited, personal, non-transferable, revocable license to access and use our Content without the right to sublicense, and we retain all other rights.


We have no control over what our users say or do, so you are solely responsible for your interactions with other Twick users.

You agree and hereby release Twick from any and all claims, demands, losses, rights, and actions of any kind, including personal injury, death, and property damage, which may arise directly or indirectly from your interactions with other users.

However, this agreement does not apply to any claims, damages, rights, and actions of any kind, including personal injury, death, or property damage resulting from any unfair business practices on the part of Twick.


Our service will offer you access or provide opportunities to view certain content based on your location.

The application can locate one or more GPS checkpoints only if you enable it by using the appropriate geolocation request notifications on your Android or iOS device, or in the browser if you are using the web version of our service.

For more information on how our service uses and retains your information, see our Privacy Policy .


By using Twick, you consent and acknowledge that we may use your information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

You can get information about how Twick uses and stores your data in our Privacy Policy.